
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Interview with Tyler Grady -- American Idol Top 24

I wanted to learn about the American Idol experience from someone who did not get the confetti dropped on their head, who wasn't consoled by a three-month national tour or a record contract. Someone who came, saw, but didn't conquer. What does it mean to get close, but not to go far enough.  I'll admit it. I chose Tyler Grady first because he does a genre of music that I prefer, rock, and because he is friends with a certain recently signed Sony recoding artist named Casey James.  But I could not have made a better choice.

Tyler and Casey were roommates during the first week of the show. Knowing how fondly Casey talks of that time, I was not surprised to hear that Tyler does not snore. But, seriously, they bonded tightly and quickly and remain good friends.  More interestingly, their mothers hit it off and became friends for life -- Tyler's mother and Tyler both traveled to Dallas to see Casey perform on the AI tour.

But I hit the jackpot when I got to interview Tyler. He is smart, poised, funny and quite the talker. I could have asked him how's the weather, left the room with my recorder on, and had a perfectly structured, detailed interview when I returned. He is a dream subject. Except for one thing -- he has no dirt to dish. He is not bitter, not irate, not even a little depressed. He is happy he tried out, would recommend it to anyone, and has no regrets.

Well, just one. Sometime in the last month or two, Tyler lost his phone that had the numbers of all the other contestants and others he had met during he AI process. So if you're reading this and wondering why Tyler hasn't called, he doesn't have your number. Call him.

Fans who want to contact Tyler the old-fashioned (dare I say '70s?) way, can write to him at:   Tyler Grady, P.O. Box 87, Nazareth, PA 18064.

Here's the link to the article.  Enjoy and post your comments if you have any!  Interview with Tyler Grady


  1. Tyler Grady is the American Idol choice this year and to me unless I see the "TALLY OF VOTES" per Contestant, Tyler "STILL!" holds the Title! :)

  2. I loved Tyler on season 9! He was actually my second fav after Casey James. He had a very "cool" vibe about him and seemed very personable. It doesn't surprise me that Casey and Tyler became good friends in so short a time, as they both seem to be very sweet and upstanding young men.

  3. Tyler is an amazing talent..........but that being said,Tyler is an amazing person, giving himself to his fans and the community.

    We are proud to have him as one of our LVMA musicians,,I'am proud to call him friend.
    gloria domina

  4. Tyler is awesome, loved the interview, thanks Shari!! Loved him on Idol, that 70's style, hot & the vocals, smooth. Checked out his FB WW page. The song Runaround Rodeo, absofreakinluty awesome, I just loved it!! Good luck Tyler, maybe I'll get up that way someday and can catch a show..Hey but I do have one more question, hehe, just how tall are you???
    @LauraLCourtney (twitter)
