In fact, it is unexpected and quite catchy. Having suffered through Off Key Lee's pained attempts at finding the right notes on American Idol, my expectations were low. I knew he had a good tone to his voice and that his rough-hewn vocals had shown a lot of promise at times throughout American Idol
Instead, Lee's first single sounds like a Jason Mraz
My only one complaint about the song is its title. Sweet Serendipity?? Obviously, this was not vetted, run past any focus group, or researched in the slightest. I think the only word in the English language less in use than "serendipity" is "kismet." Was Zippity Doo Dah also in the running? Coincidink? Faith and Begora! I don't get it.
I googled serendipity
Putting the awful title aside, here's a link to the song.
What should be heartening to fans of American Idol and its contestants is that this song shows that the powers that be are not trying to just cash in on the AI brand but actually thinking about what type of record each contestant should put out to give them the best chance of success. Let's hope this continues!
haha No Key Lee, I've heard that somewhere before.... right Mickey? Great article Shari. I'll have to run & give it a listen.
ReplyDeleteI just saw on iTunes where his debut album will be release on Oct that correct? Sounds way too soon!
ReplyDeleteYep, the CD is coming out that soon. He apparently recorded much of it during the AI Live Tour.
ReplyDeleteNow we know it's a good thing Casey didn't win can you imagine him doing bubble gum like this? At least now he has a chance at some longevity.
ReplyDeleteI just looked- Kris Allen's "Live like we're dying" single was released on iTunes on Sept 25, & the album on November 17, of 2009. I didn't realize how fast they pump those out. Of course the top 2 will release there albums much faster than the others. Danny Gokey signed his deal in Sept. following the tour & had a single out to radio by Dec 22, 2009 & the album dropped March 2, 2010. This means we could have some Casey music in our very near future! It really is best if they strike while the iron's hot. If he's smart he will start reaching out to his loyal fans so the buzz won't die down. I agree he did need a break from the craziness, but just a thought. Don't forget us loyal fan who pushed so hard & will continue to keep pushing!
ReplyDeleteBubble gum...
ReplyDeleteI like bubble gum. Bubble gum is good sometimes & then get tired of chewing it & change over to a jolly rancher. lol That's the good thing about music. I doubt that if Casey had won, idol would have made him record something like Lee's sound. Not too font of Lee during the season(because we were pushing for Casey) but this is a good song. I like bubble gum! ;)
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ReplyDeleteI heard the single.. please don't compare this to Jason Mraz... it's ok but def no Jason! I love me some Jason...
ReplyDeleteI'm not a Lee fan, but I was curious about what he was going to record. This song may actually do quite well; especially with the teeny-bopper set. I do wish him luck, but my friends and I are saving our money for Casey James and his style of music!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnother good assessment Shari, never would have expected this from Lee either. Maybe it's 'cause we all thought we knew what was coming that this switch was made. Wonder how Lee feels about this though? I love Jason Mraz but this seems so far from the direction Lee seemed to want to pursue. However I'm not surprized after listening to some of his pre AI stuff. It in my opinion was horrible. Also,I think putting the music out there so soon can actually backfire. If it isn't memorable as Simon always says he could become Lee who. I love Jason Castro and Kris Allen but haven't been very impressed with the music they have put out there. Having said all of this I would like to write about my favorite subject for a second. CEJ of course. I knew that in Casey's situation it was best that he go home just short of the win and for this reason exactly. Not to mention that he had already won in the hearts of visionaries, professionals and ordinary people alike. For example mega performers Usher and Shania. And all of us diehard Casey supporters, the lot of us that did not need to see his first set on the AI tour(even though we could not wait) to know his abilities. We all knew that he was holding back to some degree so as to fit into the mold of AI (which was much like putting a square peg in a round hole at times) It must have been frustrating for him. He would never go for the switch a roo that it seems Lee has to deal with. When I watch Casey in action I think of how Waylon was truly an outlaw. Making his own kind of record was more important than the money from becoming an image, and bad manufactured music. Casey has been compared to many artists but for me I think of the rare interviews of Waylon who was just a down to earth country guy just trying to be himself. Casey is a smart guy and very grounded. Dare we not all be fooled my his graciousness on AI. Being from Texas I know just a few good ole boys Casey is not going to be put in a corner. He has a real knack for getting what he wants the nice way. I don't expect for a minute that he will put out music that makes us wonder who is this guy. That's exactly the way I felt about Lee's song which IMO is just...not bad... but that does not mean that it is necessarily good. At this point I say poor Lee. Not only was his thunder overshadowed by Casey's duet on the Finale and Simon's farewell but now he has to wait and see if this switch a roo was the right thing for him.
ReplyDeleteI am not hearing anything near as good as Jason Mraz in that song. It's a safe, manufactured pop diddy, but nothing about it makes it stand out from all the other vanilla pop singers. Lee shoved himself into the cookie cutter and came out like all the others.
ReplyDeleteThere was a movie with John Cusack, within the past decade, called Serendipity.
If I understand the comment's here I think it's the style of song that Lee's song is compared to not the very talented Jason Mraz. And yes it does sound very manufactured. Not at all the breath of fresh air that Jason Mraz brings to music.
ReplyDeleteI think maybe it should be slowed down a bit?
ReplyDeletei didn't care for Lee's song,thought it sounded very off key.thank goodness Casey didn't make it to #1.i would hate to see him throw something together like this.Casey is so much more telented than that.but i have to agree he needs to stay in contact with his fans,us,even it's its to say nothing but enjoying the weather or what ever.but i will wait for caseys music i think it will be well worth the wait....
ReplyDeleteShari, all seriousness aside...Coincidink???!! Faith an' Begorra!!!!???? I laughed OUTLOUD for 5 minutes! Thank you know laughter is good for the soul ;)
ReplyDeleteOkay now for the serious response....I have one word for Lee's song...BLEEEEEHHHH! It sounds so robotic I don't even recognize it as Lee DeWyze. Yes, this is why Casey was better off taking third place....
ReplyDeleteEWWWW, I did not like Lee's song. What a snooze!
ReplyDeleteLee's song sounds like just the kind of thing that might sound catchy for a few listens but will get old quickly. Sure it's peppy and light, but it's a little too auto-tuned for my taste. And maybe it's just my crappy computer speakers, but Lee's voice sounds a little tinny on record.
ReplyDeleteLOL - I haven't listened to the song yet, know why? Because I felt the title was corny so I was turned off. I guess I will go check it out now since you think it's decent. I must admit, I'm a little jealous of the Lee fans who are enjoying so much excitement while us Casey fans are anxiously awaiting a song release or any news whatsoever from the Casey James Band.
ReplyDeleteLee's song is fun and up-beat - what's not to like?
ReplyDeleteI'm really looking forward to hearing what the top ten AI9 contestants record since I've never been so invested in a group before. Following AI9 Tour performances and interviews thru youtube videos was so much fun, not to mention the LNS episodes!
I guess what I'm saying is that I wish the Top Ten well - and even if nothing else happens for them musically, they had a great run and should be proud. There is also room for all of them to do well. Time will tell who has the long-term career and who fades out.
Casey is my favorite and next, Crystal, but thought Lee did quiet well! I'm a grandmother and really enjoyed his song, upbeat and fun!Thanks Shari!! MAE777
ReplyDeletei think i will listen to lee's song a few more times i shouldn't have critized it so soon after all i remember Carrie Underwoods undo it
ReplyDeleteon AI finale i didn't like it very much,now I turn the radio up everytime it's i'll listen a few more times.I really want the top ten to do well also.this was my first time to really watch the whole season of AI.I got so upst when Chris voted off i thought i would never watch again but i did.just can't say enough about Casey James his talent speaks for itself.