But first, they (whoever they are that aren't us because we wouldn't have done that) decided to bring back the first six fallen idols, Paul, Pia, Naima, Thia and those other two girls. Somehow they missed the point that we didn't like them enough to vote for them in the first place and decided that we just had to see them again, including the ones whose names we can't remember. So they go with the Pink song "So What?" and it was actually an inspired song. They were all, "yeah, you kicked us off the show, but we don't care," even though you know they're devastated and if they had any money -- which they don't and now won't thanks to you America -- they'd be on a therapist's couch at least two days a week wondering why the voters hate them. Naima strutted her stuff and Pia sang beautifully and Thia was adorable and the other two were there too.
The recently departed Paul comes out on stage and once again I'm temporarily blinded by his awful sartorial choice for the night. He opens his mouth and, though I find it impossible to accept, it appears that Paul's voice has actually gotten worse since he left the show. Whatever was plaguing his vocal chords has called in for backup and has now taken his entire voice hostage. He faintly squeaks and croaks and creaks out something not at all resembling notes to the song and even the most fervent Paul supporter has a WTF moment. He talks through the rest of the song while the five more talented vocalists around him, who he outlasted, wonder if they should add a third session with their therapist.
Finally, it's over and we start out with the front runner so far this year, seventeen-year-old Scotty McCreery. Before he sings, the other contestants have an opportunity to talk about Scotty and they each choose to mention something I've never noticed before. Apparently, he holds the mic oddly. Hmm, completely missed that. OMG, people, if everyone sees it, why has no one been able to stop him?! Would you let him smoke cigarettes? Take drugs? Drink and drive? Vote Democrat? Of course not! So please, let this be the night he breaks that horrible habit!
Tasked with making it current, Scotty picks the song Swingin'
The judges, who normally wouldn't say anything bad about Osama bin Laden (you're really rockin' that beard, dawg) decide to go after Scotty this week for playing it safe. Fair criticism, but unfair when you pick and choose when to be honest. And I wonder why the fix might be in for poor Scotty?
The next one up is James Durbin and his fellow contestants kid him about being a rock star and wearing too many scarves oddly positioned around his body. James decides to tackle Uprising
James has a vision for the song and from his outfit to the drum line accompaniment it's brilliant. He sounds amazing, nailing the passion of the lyrics and the intensity of the music. He takes it up to dizzying heights then brings it back down and always stays on pitch and in the zone. He made me forget all about the original and really see the beauty of this song. This is something I would actually download. The judges rave and I can't argue (which puts me in a weird position!). But I did find it odd that they seemed to be reading their comments and also that they were so sure this was the best performance of the night -- psychic or scripted?
Haley Reinhart next gets ribbed by her fellow contestants and it appears that she and Stefano have some issues that definitely deserve further investigation. They both seem like nice enough kids, yet they apparently have a teensy problem getting along. I think I see a RomCom in their future -- she first hooks up with the goofy side kick (Jonah Hill), while loathing the flirtatious Lothario (Jake Gyllenhahl) then realizes in the last reel that she was in love with the hotter guy all along (shocking ending!!). Speaking of Jonah, where was Casey's comments on Haley? Curiously absent. Hmmmm.
Going with Adele's Rolling in the Deep
Anyway, I loved Haley tonight and I'm sticking by my decision.
Next up was Jacob Lusk and I was shocked that the word his fellow contestants used to describe him was Diva. Was it the bombastic oversinging, the arrogant attitude or the feather boas that first tipped them off? Having nearly derailed his AI choo choo with his hubristic attack on America two weeks ago, Jacob decided to pull out the stops to beg for votes. He chose a Luther Vandross song (one point for Luther being dead), on Luther's birthday (2 points), called Dancing with My Father
He sang the song fairly straight forward and didn't do too many runs or his usual, unnecessary excesses of vocal gymnastics. He didn't try to swallow the audience and he didn't make facial expressions like some smallish parts of him were being squeezed in a vise. I still don't like the tone of his voice, he always sounds like he's underwater, but I didn't want to throw anything at the TV either, so for him that amounts to a good performance.
Begin rant: As the song continued, manic Casey came out and he started moving menacingly towards the judges. He finished his song literally right in Jennifer Lopez's face. As he sang, looking right at her, she turned her head uncomfortably away from him, averting her gaze from Casey and looking (for help?) at Steven Tyler. When Casey finished, he kissed her on the cheek. I was aghast and it took at least an hour for me to calm down. This is not shtick and this is not a bit. I was truly upset. I am sick and tired of men objectifying women, of thinking women are their property, and they can do whatever they want whenever they want. I didn't think it was cute, I thought it was a horrible message to send to both sexes.
Sorry for the digression, but it reminded me of when actor Adrian Brody kissed Halley Berry during the Academy Awards and that offended me greatly and still does. Women are not men's toys and they don't get to do with us what they want because they want to. When I complained, I was told "she didn't object" and "it's not like he tongued her." So apparently, a little inappropriate physical contact is a-okay? End rant.
Listen to Paul and Kendra singing "Like you loved me then". Its beautifully written by Paul and beautifully sung by Paul and Kendra. Amazing, hopefully things to come from Paul.
ReplyDeleteJames Durbin was amazing i'd pay to see him in concert anytime.I disagree with anoym paul is where he aught to be off the show.Scotty hopefully will at least be in bottom 3.Stephano
ReplyDeletewas pretty good last nite.pretty sure Lusk will be gone tonite.thank goodness.
I agree that Stefano will probably get the boot, but I don't agree with you re James. I feel he was pitchy especially on the high notes and screamed the whole song. If you can sing good, sing loud!
ReplyDeleteNow that Paul, the escapee from an Arkansas barn dance, has left us, we can focus on the remaining hopefuls.
ReplyDeleteAt this point, it appears that James Durbin is going to carry the show and the subsequent tour. He takes chances and is not afraid to appear in public dressed like your favorite Harry Potter character.
When Scotty sang the first few bars, I didn't like it. But then later, I hated it. This is the kind of country song that should be banned permanently. Unless, of course, it's the backbone of a Bud Light commercial.
Each week, I expect Jacob to go evil alien on us by ripping off the outer skin and revealing that it is actually Fantasia under there screeching out those notes that can kill dogs at 200 yards.
I thought Casey did a good job, all the way up to the scripted closing theatrics. "Okay, J, on my cue, turn and face Steven...counting...GO!".
Haley did well with a nondescript Adele tune. I was hoping for something a little more interesting...maybe a Red Hot Chili Peps tune, and it wouldn't have to be "Californication". But it was not to be.
Lauren did her Scotty - Part II. It was probably as well as one could do without a Chevy pickup truck or a barn or a hillside dotted with bales of hay. It was as expected.
Stefano was okay, but his dance moves are a carbon copy of Eric Estrada climbing off that big CHIPS motorcycle and walking over to a puffy blond to tell her that she needs to "slow it down" and "take it easy".
That fervent Paul supporter with the WTF moment ... yup ... that'd be me. He tweeted later, "taking a shower and going out." Good plan. Hope he had a drink or two and got over his WTF was I doing there?! It was a song obviously chosen for the girls, and he appeared to be an afterthought. I felt sorry for him, but he probably had no choice in the matter. Give him a break, however. He's doing some good stuff outside of Idol! Thanks!
Here's the scoop on the song plus the lyrics. v=yWo_nXNFHMQhttp://thegrandmagnolias.com/portfolio/306/
My hope is that they bring Paul back EVERY week so I can read your comments about him on this blog! You're killing me over here! My stomach hurts from laughing!
ReplyDeleteMy top 3: Haley, James, uh I guess that's it
In the middle: Lauren Scotty
Bottom 3: Jacob, Casey, Stefano
Going home: Stefano
Maybe they'll pull the ole three over here and three over there and then tell the last person to head over to the (supposed) top three. Then, surprise, the top three is really the bottom three. you know the rest...
PS ... the link above is for "New Orleans," a song he and the Grand Magnolias recorded with proceeds going to Red Cross - Japan. Nice guy! Good song. At least I think so. Shari??! :-)
ReplyDeleteYou want to get Casey's schtick?! I read somewhere he's a Jack Black fan.
ReplyDeleteTake a look at this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=He12HYnAvbk&feature=related
Hmmm .... make sense now?
That kiss had to be staged. She poised herself to get ready for it and laughed when it was over. I'm probably wrong but it looked scripted to me. BTW, I have several friends who think Casey the "A" is the best thing to ever come out of Idol. However, I'm still on your side. Haley was my favorite. Thought she did a wonderful job with Adele's song. But I feel Stefano has reached the end of the line. Great recap, Shari.
ReplyDeletewhat is about this Casey A.guy?what do people see in him.he hides behind his singing with talking thru his songs and growling out his songs how can anyone say he is good.there is nothing about him that says he's idol material.
ReplyDeletewhere will you hear his music?somebody will have to start a radio station up just to play what ever it is he sings.he's just plain creepy.kinda like that Iggy dude that appraoched Jlo that night.
Here's my take on Casey's performance. My initial reaction to his stalking around stage, getting up in JLo's face and kissing her was that it was really creepy and the JLo interaction was inappropriate. I still feel that what he did to JLo was inappropriate. That said, I really liked Casey's performance. I believe that what Casey did to JLo was artistic expression, acting out the histrionic, stalkerish lyrics of the song. So Casey clearly meant for this move to be creepy and "unacceptable" as the lyrics state. The question is, "Does it make what he did right?." He does not have the right to do something that would make someone uncomfortable just for artistic expression. Only if he had JLo's permission ahead of time should he have been allowed to do this. I don't think he did. Check out this article. http://popwatch.ew.com/2011/04/21/american-idol-top-7-coaches/ Debra Bryd thought the kiss was adlibbed. I think JLo was uncomfortable, but played it off like she was delighted.
ReplyDeletewhat else could she do?slap him,run,tell him to back off,give the evil eye?I would like to think all of the above,or maybe even call for security.haha.maybe producers should have a talk
ReplyDeleteto contestants about keeping their distance from
judges,which only makes sense.it wouldn't have bothered me if any of the others did what he did
theres just something about him that doesn't look right
And... it's down to the wire... they're neck and neck... and... and... it's Stefano! LAdies and gENtlemen, StefANo has been corrECtly preDIcted to BE our wiNNer this EVening! HOw abOUt thAT? The tRUthiness is fLOwing and the fUNnyness is gROwing! Now, let's hEAr what SHAriiiii is prEAching toniiiiiight...
ReplyDelete"He opens his mouth and, though I find it impossible to accept, it appears that Paul's voice has actually gotten worse since he left the show." Out of the mouths of babes comes the reality of the reality show itself. Yes sir, she says what we feel, as though she resides within our minds themselves. Wotta gal! Wotta gal! (translation: I agree with you.)
"It's the same performance on a loop week after week, with the added touch this week of [Scotty] making a recent song sound fifty years old." That's what IIII was thinking. How did YOU know? But hey, who cares? That's his schtick! Oh, and it can be either "schtick" or "shtick", though "shtick" historically occurred first. That all comes from Pat O'Conner herself (author and former editor of the New York Times Book Review). She also mentioned to me that "shtik" works as well. I happen to prefer how the word looks with the "c" in there, but that's just me.
"This is not shtick and this is not a bit. I was truly upset." Just like Paul, Casey is a lousy actor who has charm, musical chops, and a standard voice. And so, he chose to get into his performance, acting as he believes his favorite rock stars act - as a social provocateur (even though he's clearly a band camp nerd and a dorky drama student, while rock stars actually ARE social provocateurs). Well, when you've got a zillion girls screaming for you from the studio audience, and the lead singer of Aerosmith (for Steven, a kiss on the cheek would just be a decoy for his busy hands) is sitting right in front of you, rooting for you, Casey-the-actor will not be channeling a respectful choirboy. Like it or hate it, traditional rock n'roll music is mostly about the sexual attitudes of dominant males, and Casey is nothing if not traditional. If you feel so strongly about this misogynistic aspect of our culture, maybe you should write a book about it. (I'd buy it.) I have a feeling a hundred blog entries just wouldn't be long enough. Suggestion: When you write this tome, please be sure to let your anger flow through you; embrace the dark side... and feel its power. Seriously, it would sell.
"I still don't like the tone of [Jacob's] voice, he always sounds like he's underwater, but I didn't want to throw anything at the TV either, so for him that amounts to a good performance." Heh. Nice. You know, I'd hate to see your last TV on its final night alive.
Kudos on predicting Stefano's departure, by the way.
rar745, I look forward to your comments like other people look forward to Santa! I might take your advice on the book -- it's a topic that sure gets me going!
ReplyDeletestefano was not that bad I split my votes between him and Durbin,I coudn't tell you what Casey or Lusk sang within the last 3weeks i turn the channel when they both appear.i would stick to my guns and boycott the show but i can't wait to hear Durbin now that's intertainment in a big way.i still miss Pia